Congratulations on Our Research Selected as Cover Article in IEEE JBHI

2023-08-09 10:07:18 956

Congratulations Dr Tian for "ARR-GCN: Anatomy-Relation Reasoning Graph Convolutional Network for Automatic Fine-grained Segmentation of Organ's Surgical Anatomy" has been selected as cover article in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.
Our research latest research work on anatomic relation reasoning graph convolutional network for automatic fine-grained segmentation of organ's surgical anatomy has been published and selected as cover paper in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. This study presented a universal, fully automatic fine-grained segmentation of  organ’s surgical anatomy framework, which embeds the inherent anatomic relations among sub-regions into the node representation of the graph and explicitly learn them by using a newly emerging GCN to reduce the inter-sub-region appearance ambiguities.